If you're curious about how I write books, I've written a few posts about this on my blog which may be of interest. There's a section called "The Writer's Rutter" which is where I've stuffed most of the posts about writing, what it's like to get published and a few other bits and pieces. If you're wondering what on Earth a "rutter" is, I explain here: A Writer's Rutter
People often ask if I'm a "Plotter" or a "Pantster" and the quick answer is: I'm both. This post explains what I call the "Agile" method (based on the Agile coding approach to building large websites).
Another thing people ask is how long it takes to write a book. I explain that I write my first draft in about five weeks, writing about 4,000 words a day, five days a week. In no sense am I saying that's what everyone should do. In fact, I think the word "should" needs to be banned in the context of writing. And most things actually.
This is a post about working out how to write lots without breaking my brain on a daily basis: Experiments in the Writing Life
And this is a post about how I cranked out the first draft of Between Two Thorns (it's not as sleazy as the title might suggest): How I wrote over 95,800 words in 34 days
If there's something you're curious about and I haven't written about it in my rutter, drop me a line at the contact page and I'll see if it's something I can write a post about for you.
All contents © E.J. Newman. Website by Artemis web design.